12 August 2015

Mandolin suspected of GBH

After the BIB post of last Friday with assorted treats for mandolinists, we regret having to report an act of violence, allegedly committed by a mandolin. Or we would regret it, if it weren't part of an enjoyable spoof marking the release of the latest single by Donna Ulisse, of Virginia and Nashville.

The single is entitled 'It could have been the mandolin'. In a ten-minute video from BNN (the 'Bluegrass News Network'), that's what a succession of bluegrass artists give as their view of an attack that left an unoffending banjo-player apparently knocked down and injured. Read the full story on Bluegrass Today, where you can watch the video (also on YouTube).

In the BIB's view, there's much that's unexplained about this incident. An F-style mandolin is shown lying with the prostrate victim. Is it a genuine co-victim, or is it the assailant playing innocent? Watch the video and form your own opinion. Don't forget to read the running text on the strapline.

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